jeudi 3 avril 2008

Toshiba 52Z3030DG as a computer monitor

After some months of struggle I finally discovered how to get my Toshiba 52Z3030DG (BTW a TV set with great value for money) to display a perfect 1920x1080 desktop. The requirements are :
- use an HDMI port (I use a DVI to HDMI converter hooked up with an HDMI cable)
- use standard modes as advertized by the TV EDID (50Hz refresh rate is what I use)
- some users discovered that turning off the Deep Color option was mandatory - that's not necessary with my NVidia Quadro NVS 135M graphic card
- set the aspect setting of the TV to "Exact Scan"

At this stage you get a nearly perfect image but when displaying small letters (such as with icons in the desktop) a strong blur prevent reading easily the text ! This is the tricky part. To remove bluring you need to move the definition parameter of the TV image settings to a value lower than -20 ! Not very intuititive no ?

Now my 52'' is the greatest monitor I ever saw ^_^

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